Saturday, December 21, 2019

Android Update

Snap’s biggest project for the coming year is to reengineer its Android app. Snapchat has been notoriously slow and buggy on Android smartphones, and is virtually unusable on lower-end Android devices that have slower processing speeds and lower quality cameras. Such is the curse of a social media platform based on data-intensive content like photo, video, and augmented reality. Snap’s goal is to make its Android app 20% faster in 2019. Snap executives have been cagey about when this update will be ready.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, It's true Snapchat is not responding well since yesterday morning. It is the most used app on my cell phone as I love clicking pictures and using it's catchy filters. I was not aware about this Android update, yesterday when I was providing online class assistance
    to my students, they discussed and told me about buggy Snapchat and update.


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